Donate Via PayPal

Donations maybe directed as below:

WaterMargin, Inc.

c/o Kim Schulz, Treasurer
3803 Bailer Rd.
Syracuse, NY 13215

Tax Deductible? Yes
Allowable Expenditures: Education program, reunions, gifts to the house as voted on by the board
Expenditures approved by: Board of Directors


c/o Treasurer
103 McGraw Place
Ithaca, NY 14850

Tax Deductible? No
Allowable Expenditures: No restrictions
Expenditures approved by: Current House Members

Cornell University Watermargin Gift Fund #900703

Tax Deductible? Yes
Allowable Expenditures: Improvements to the physical house, education programs put on by current house members
Expenditures approved by: Cornell University